Bone densitometry in suitcase. Simply plug in the portable device to a dedicated laptop and run a full diagnosis at lumbar vertebrae and femoral neck. EchoS will have a significant beneficial impact on current protocols for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and its clinical management due to the increasing of accessibility to the test in primary care enviroments. It also ensures a considerable waiting list reduction and makes the examination of bone densitometry less expensive than current DXA fee. The portable bone densitometry for the diagnosis of osteoporosis of the future. Osteoporosis everywhere. Echos is a compact, user-friendly, fast and accurate solution suitable for any professional who wants cutting-edge performance with portability option. Your job will be more simple and cost effective increasing the number of patients and the quality of the service delivered.
The portable bone densitometer of the future.
Portable and compact bone densitometry to bring the diagnosis of osteoporosis everywhere.
Connect EchoS to a dedicated laptop and proceed with the usual acquisition protocol.